Duckling Dinghy / Tender for sale

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Cabin Boy
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Feb 05, 2022 8:22 pm

Duckling Dinghy / Tender for sale

Post by Bobby »


Uffa Fox design Duckling by Fairey Marine available Ipswich, Suffolk.

Dry stored and partially restored. Hull in good order with no sprung joints. Hull coated grey paint internally and preventative two coats marine varnish to exterior. Some localised decay on upper edge transom will need attention, generally sound.
Mast, Gunter sprit and boom all in good condition and have been faired and varnished to good order.
Centreboard (varnished), rudder with tiller and tiller extension. Photos available.

Maker’s plate “Fairey Marine, Hamble Hants, England. YA Class Serial No 241”

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